
When the time comes do I need a bigger boiler?

Some things to consider. Age of your home, insulation value now in place and length of warranty required.

  1. age of your home: when it comes to picking a replacement boiler the answer is a bit more complicated than maybe what your best mate suggested at the last BBQ. The age of your home is one of the first things I would ask, with knowing the age we can judge the build style and construction. this information is very handy in gaining the magic number of Kw sizing of Net Boiler output needed to satisfy the requirement to heat the home in an efficient manner.
  2. insulation value: known as the "U" value this mythical number is worked out by people (usually at the time of selling) and given to the homeowner and potential owners with a view to informing them where they need to make improvements in conserving energy. now assuming it has been a few years since construction, your home may have undergone improvements with regard to insulation and products installed, say a sprinkling of new windows here and a fluffing up of loft insulation there. this reduction in the need for heat will inevitably reduce the size of the incoming boiler installation. these and a few more are points to consider when picking a boiler replacement candidate.
  3. length of warranty: the length of the manufactures warranty is a thing to consider with most opting for a long warranty for fear of expensive repairs in later years. this is in my opinion the better option but not for the most obvious reasons. when opting for a long warranty you're also agreeing to have the boiler installation professionally checked (currently) every 12 months. this guarantees your installation will be checked for safety and all preventative measures being taken as the years roll on through your warranty cover.